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Image of intricate wires combining into networks

AlphaGo at the Milwaukee Film Festival

By: Michael Diedrick on Sep 20, 2017

Byte is in its third year as community partner for the 2017 Milwaukee Film Festival showing of the film AlphaGo, a documentary that covers the subjects of artificial intelligence and “deep learning”. If you like to see explorations of how artificial intelligence (AI) teaches us humans about us, this will be a fun documentary.

The chinese game of Go is considered to be the most difficult game in the world, and ...

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Tags: General News MKE Film Festival

Christmas comes early: New business cards!

By: Joy O'Brien on Nov 4, 2014

image of the office cat aiding in the unboxing of the new business cards

Our new business cards came in the mail, and they look great! Mokey, our furry senior designer, approves.

Anyone familiar with Moo, a popular printing company, will recognize that these are Luxe business cards. They’re about 3 times thicker than your standard card, and it’s noticeable. There’s also a very subtle blue stripe all around the edge of the card. It’s all about the details, folks.

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Tags: Design General News

Image of Byte's wordmark, in blue, on a black background

Meet the new Byte wordmark!

By: Joy O'Brien on Oct 22, 2014

Image of Byte's wordmark, in blue, on a black background


“I want you to have business cards,” Michael announced to me one morning, coffee in one hand and his own card in another. He handed it to me and continued, “but this design is old, and it’s not working anymore. How would you like to redesign it?”

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Tags: Design General News


By: Michael Diedrick on May 27, 2014

Illustration displaying an early idea similar to internet, of 7 men connected to one another through one instrument

Long before the 1945 ideas of Vannevar Bush, known to be the seeds of the modern internet, there was a Belgian bibliographer and entrepreneur named Paul Otlet. In 1895, Otlet envisioned "Universal Libraries" as a way to give access from afar to a vast number of books.

A new piece in The Atlantic by Alex Wright, Secret History of Hypertext, describes how 40 years later Otlet refined the idea to "electric telescopes" which could deliver books, pictures, audio recordings and movies. In 1935, Otlet wrote "From a distance, everyone will be able to read text, enlarged and limited to the desired subject, projected on an individual screen. In this way, everyone from his armchair will be able to contemplate the whole of creation, in whole or in certain parts."

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Tags: General News Inspiration