A Digital Age
With the digital age is upon us, the internet has long left the phase of simply being an online brochure. Yet, a great many nonprofits are using it simply as a static messaging platform, and usually messages of long ago. Why? We hear a variety of issues: ignorance, price fears, a worry about a communication mouth to feed, lack of tech skill, lack of staff time, etc. We believe the biggest reason is that internet is mostly generically average or bad, and leaves us all with a lack of imagination. It's really hard to imagine a website that matters in a sea of banal mediocrity.
Fortunately, we've been building the good parts of the internet for years. We bring energy to a project, make sure stakeholders can be heard, make a nonprofit's mission tangible on a site, and develop buy in. We make the internet better by bringing the full weight of an organization's meaning and spirit to its new website. Our mission is to make the web a better place.
From grasstops to grassroots, from policy advocacy to block-by-block organizing, the internet is changing how nonprofits find and enact systemic solutions and social change. Using the internet effectively will change an organization for the better, help it to be smarter and more agile. To attract better talent and funding. To give a funder or reporter depth and context to a story. Or to sway a lawmaker to see the need and become a champion advocate.
What can the internet do for a nonprofit?
- Tell better stories about those in need and those reached by the organization
- Fuel advocates with case studies, facts and figures on outcomes
- Raise the level of professionalism
- Implement data-driven solutions that work online and in-office
- Create and maintain data to be used inside and outside the nonprofit
- Attract and motivate a better workforce
- Give reporters, bloggers and social influencers program, campaign and background info
- Sway lawmakers and administrators