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Byte Process: Learning Canvas Part 1

By: Sam Korthof on Feb 28, 2017

Tags: Process (10) Design (8)

Image of a rainbow streaming through a computer screenHere at Byte as well as in the Web and Technology Industry, it is important to learn and keep up with new languages, ideas and concepts.

One of the new concepts that we are tackling is Canvas. Canvas is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D  and 3D shapes and bitmap images. The canvas element is used to draw graphics, on the fly, with JavaScript. In other words, Canvas is great for creating smooth, precise, and high performance animations.

Canvas reminds us of the old flash days when you could create a unique experience. What inspires us to learn canvas is to see how far we can push our browser to do amazing things.

To begin our process of conquering Canvas we had a brainstorming meeting where we discussed:

  • What is Canvas?
  • What makes Canvas so great and unique?
  • How can we use it/where can we take it?

We also set goals which include:

  • Learning the foundations and basics of Canvas
  • Experimenting with it by creating small test projects
  • Implementing it large scale on a client site

To help achieve our goals and keep everyone up to date with what we learn and create, we started a google doc for contributors to and add links to Canvas resources, tutorials, and sites that inspire us. We also started a site specifically for us to build and experiment with canvas on.

Stay tuned as we will be writing about our findings.